Artist Statement
Paintings such as Liquified depict interior scenes that akin to a mind landscape, almost as if glimpsing into someone’s mind. The painted text on the surface stems from Etienne Zack’s personal notes and research. The narratives are internal dialogues on the interface between technological systems, the language of painting and the artist thinking through them. The text is applied directly onto the painted surface using stencils. As the stencil is reused, paint begins to obliterate the previous characters. This material process simultaneously reveals and conceals Zack’s recorded thoughts. As each layer accumulates, the narrative becomes garbled, confetti-like. These paintings contemplate the remarkable endurance of the language of painting in synthesizing, translating and thinking through diverse realities. For Zack, painting functions as a form of writing and reading technology intricately reflecting the depths of the human mind and its psychology.
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